CMS, Why WordPress Maybe the Way to Go

Why WordPress Norcross Gwinnett GA

Lead developer Derek Peacock has been designing and programming in WordPress websites for over 7yrs. During that time, his understanding and skill level develop to a pro level. Derek Peacock has used other Content Management Systems (CMS) such as Clip-Share, Joomla and also Drupal in that past. Now, this is his insight into the different CMS

This article will give a simple breakdown of why WordPress is being used by D.Peacock Studios the most, and why it may be the way to go for your business.

As a mobile developer and webmaster service provider, Derek Peacock uses WordPress because of the many different functions offered allowing for an easier way make updates, edited pages, and make simple template changes. If you are planning a website that will be used as a blog, then you can easily use WordPress to main your content and posts ensuring getting the most power out of your site.

WordPress has great accessibility of plugins for both businesses starting out and pro to use. Also, there are a lot of fun free plugins to get started with, and once working correctly the pro versions and help increase the functions of the user’s experiences while visiting your site. Drupal and Joomla have a lot of models (plugins) that are free too, but have found sometimes the install and locating the settings have some challenges.

WordPress just like Drupal and Joomla uses a theme basic approach, as a designer the template and be design in Photoshop and can be converted into HTML then install Twitter’s Bootstrap to give the power needed to support mobile devices. If you buy a theme from a supplier then understand the theme needs to be remodeled/updated to match your business needs, which m programming, formatting and also design may be required to complete project.

“A surprise will that comes up with purchase themes or some free ones is an update, which the theme changes backward. This happens a lot, but some simple programming can prevent that.”

WordPress’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has a lot of really good plugins and tools to get the most power. In order to get the most out of SEO, one must understand the SEO formula process and the plugins. There are some free ones and also pro versions helping to drive traffic. Check out my blog on SEO.

WordPress is always updating the security. WordPress is an open source platform, which means the code is available to anyone who wants to gain the code. To ensure that your website is safe from hackers, the developers at are always updating the security regularly.

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