1. Keep a weekly email newsletter and blogs. This will help you communicate your brand’s message across multiple outlets. The newsletter features need a sharing feature, look professional on smartphones (I see this all the time) and even add your video from the monthly podcast.
2. Run $3 a day ads on Facebook business and Instagram. This will help more people connect with you on social media and collect data that will help with sales strategy and find new opportunities for business.
3. I like Linkedin, but for my market, Google and Behance seem to be the best outlet for online marketing for branding. I have generated sales from a Linkedin connection so make sure you think about adding value to your connection on LinkedIn. Linkedin ads can be helpful.
4. Review your Google Analytics at least once a week, and ask for more Google reviews. I found that a lot of clients are really busy and don’t want to have to do something extra with writing etc. Plus, a lot of clients don’t want to be on the computer that much. I offer to write and post for them and they always want me to do it. After that, just copy and past the review. Google Reviews will increase your business fast.
5. Once you get going don’t forget microblogging your newsletter and blog during the week. This will help drive traffic to your site. If the user stays more then 30sec then you have accomplished the goal showing Google that this site has the right information Googlers are searching for.
6. INVEST IN PHOTOGRAPHY….. Every two years / 20 pounds you should update your photo. If you have a brick and mortar store Google 360 is huge for your business. If you can afford it, then hire a photographer to take pictures. High quality photography + quality graphic design = sales.
For more on branding follow us on twitter.com/dpeacockstudios and if you like to know more about what we can do to help your brand connect with a strategy contact us.
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